

To find your birth worker: scroll through our directory OR click the "search" icon on the top right-hand corner.

Love & Light Family Chiropractic

Dr. Kay Abeid is a Doctor in Chiropractic, a Certified Animal Chiropractic and Webster Certified. She provides a pregnancy, postpartum, pediatric, animal and whole family-centered chiropractic practice that provides gentle and specific neurologically based care. Her office is located in Spartanburg.

The Nest Chiropractic

Dr. Sarah Hock is a Doctor in Chiropractic, Certified Pediatric Chiropractor and Webster Certified. She provides chiropractic services to pregnant women and children, in addition to whole-family-centered chiropractic care in Spartanburg.


Mobile Mama Chiropractic

Dr.Kristin Marlowe is a Doctor in Chiropractic and a member of the International Chiropractic Pediatric Association (ICPA), trained in the Webster Technique, an Advanced Certified Torque Release Technique (TRT) doctor, and working on her Perinatal Certification from the ICPA. She provides gentle & effective chiropractic care for motherhood + family in the luxury of your own home.